SC Elem. Families: The city of Early informed us of a potential upcoming water consumption ban due to a shortage of water. In an attempt to do our part in conserving water, please provide your student with a filled water bottle(s) for school starting on Mon. Jan. 27. Very limited drinking water will be available
Our Ridge View Schools app keeps getting better! Parents/guardians who have already created a Rooms account can now access new app features like chat & class streams via web and in the app.
Download for Android
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RAPTOR NATION: A friendly reminder there is no school for students on Monday, October 14, due to staff professional development.
It was some of the 8th graders who got to spend some quality time in the daycare today. It is so neat to see the interactions between the kids. #CLAWSUP
RAPTOR NATION: Here is the parade route for Thursday evening. Parade lineup starts at 6:00 in the grocery store parking lot. Parade starts at 6:30 followed by the pep rally and coronation in the north gym. #CLAWSUP
ELITE RAPTOR ALERT: The 7th grade football players were invited by the daycare to come down and spend some time with them during study hall today. When the big kids wearing football jerseys walked in, the little kids just lit up with excitement. #CLAWSUP #BeELITE!
Say “hello” to two-way messaging and classroom announcements in the Ridge View Schools app! With the addition of Rooms, our district app keeps getting better. Parents/Guardians, check your email or text messages for instructions to sign up and access new features!
Say “hello” to two-way messaging in the Ridge View Schools app! The same district app now offers class streams, class announcements, and parent-teacher chat. Look for your personalized invitation to begin using this feature in our app next Monday, October 7!!
Download for Android:
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HAPPY FRIDAY RAPTOR NATION! The new signage is looking great! More to come in the elementary buildings! #CLAWSUP #BeElite
ELITE RAPTOR ALERT: Congratulations to Nora Pickhinke for placing 2nd runner-by in the Iowa State Fair Queen Pageant! #CLAWSUP!
Raptor Nation. Here is a reminder of some upcoming football dates! The fall season is here! #CLAWSUP!
The 2024 yearbooks have arrived and will be ready for pick up Monday & Tuesday (Jul 22-23) from 9 -11:30 am in Holstein.
*Other pickup dates/locations will be available in August after dead week*
Contact Katie Tesch,, with questions.
The 2024 yearbooks have arrived and are available for pick up in Holstein Pick up in Holstein Monday & Tuesday (Jul 22-23) from 9-11:30 am.
*Other pickup dates/locations will be available in August after dead week*
Contact Katie Tesch,, with any questions
The 2024 Yearbooks have arrived and will be available for pick up in Holstein Monday and Tuesday (July 22-23) from 9 - 11:30 am. *Other pickup dates/locations will be available in August after dead week*
Contact Katie Tesch,, with any questions.
ELITE RAPTOR ALERT: Congratulations to Randa Hoover and our amazing Raptor Nutrition Staff. They have served 7,397 meals since the summer meal program started! GREAT JOB! #CLAWSUP #BeELITE
ELITE RAPTORS ALERT: Ridge View is being extremely well represented at Iowa Girls State this week. Great work Raptors! #CLAWSUP!
RAPTOR NATION: The monthly board meeting originally scheduled for Monday night, June 10th has been moved to Sunday night, June 9th due to little league baseball schedules. It will still start at 7:00pm in Schaller. Thank you.
RAPTOR NATION: To all incoming 8th-12th graders who are taking part in the early morning weight sessions with Coach Wilken. Check your emails for a google sheet with shuttle sign up for Nemaha, Early, Schaller, and Galva students. You must sign up by 5:30 the night before if you would like transportation.
RAPTOR NATION: The baccalaureate service for tonight that was canceled is back on the schedule. Huge Raptor Shout Out to Lori Lyons of Schaller along with the help of Kyle Chance and Dr. Lisa Shepherd, the communities are able to provide this opportunity. Baccalaureate will be at 6:00 in the Rosemary Clausen Center at the high school tonight, Tuesday, May 14th.
RAPTOR NATION: Due to ministerial shortages, there will not be a baccalaureate service on Tuesday, May 14th, prior to awards night. Senior Awards Night will begin at 7:00 on Tuesday, May, 14th