RAPTOR NATION: At this time, we plan on having the middle school operating and in session tomorrow, Wednesday, January 31st. We will take measures to reduce water usage. We will have bottles of water available for students and we ask that students bring water from home if you are able. Thank you for your understanding and thank you to the city of Early for their continuing efforts to resolve this problem.
about 1 year ago, Adam Bisenius
RAPTOR NATION: Due to a water emergency for the city of Early, the middle school students will not have school on Tuesday, January 30th. All other students and buildings will operate as normal. Again, ONLY the middle school students will not be in session. All other students and buildings will operate as normal.
about 1 year ago, Adam Bisenius
ELITE RAPTOR ALERT: Congratulations to Head Girls Wrestling Coach Troy Greder for being named the Iowa Wrestling Coaches and Officials Association NW Iowa District Coach of the Year. #CLAWSUP #BeElite!
about 1 year ago, Adam Bisenius
ELITE RAPTORS ALERT!! Girls wrestling wins Super Regional team title for the second year in a row. Six girls advance to the State Tournament in Coralville on Feb 1-2. Destiny Brown, Tatum Shepherd, and Izzy Deeds were regional champions. Daynia Werner, Lauren Siegner, and Tegan Robertson finished 3rd. Izzy Deeds collected her 100th career win!! Congratulations on a fantastic season and BEST OF LUCK to our six state qualifiers.
about 1 year ago, Adam Bisenius
Girls Wrestling Regionals
GIrls Wrestling
RAPTOR NATION: There will be no before school activities on Monday, January 22nd.
about 1 year ago, Adam Bisenius
RAPTOR NATION: There will be a 2-hour late start on Friday, January 19th. No morning preschool, no before school activities. Stay safe Raptors!
about 1 year ago, Adam Bisenius
Late Start
RAPTOR NATION: We will have a 2-hour early dismissal today, Thursday, January 18th due to the weather. No afternoon preschool or TK. No evening activities. Stay safe Raptors. #CLAWSUP
about 1 year ago, Adam Bisenius
Early Out
RAPTOR NATION: Reminder with the 2-hour late start, there is no before school activities and no morning preschool. CLAWSUP!
about 1 year ago, Adam Bisenius
RAPTOR NATION: Ridge View will start 2-hours late on Tuesday, January 16. Stay safe! CLAWSUP!
about 1 year ago, Adam Bisenius
The varsity basketball games in Holstein vs OABCIG will be played with varsity girls at 5:00 and varsity boys immediately following. #CLAWSUP
about 1 year ago, Adam Bisenius
RAPTOR NATION: Due to the extreme temps, teacher in-service will be done virtually starting at 9:00. Building principals will be contacting staff. No morning practices. Afternoon TBD. Night activities TBD. Stay safe Raptors. #CLAWSUP
about 1 year ago, Adam Bisenius
RAPTOR NATION: All games tonight and the conference wrestling tournament scheduled for tomorrow have been postponed. Make-up dates will be communicated ASAP!
about 1 year ago, Adam Bisenius
RAPTOR NATION: Due to the inclement weather, there will be no school on Friday, January 12th. Stay safe Raptor Nation and have a great weekend! #CLAWSUP
about 1 year ago, Adam Bisenius
Snow Day
RAPTOR NATION: We will have a 2-hour late start on Wednesday, January 10th. This will replace our regular Wednesday schedule. No before school activities. No professional development. No morning preschool. Stay safe Raptor Nation!
about 1 year ago, Adam Bisenius
Late Start
RAPTOR NATION: The high school basketball games for tonight v MVAOCOU have been postponed to Monday, January 22nd.
about 1 year ago, Adam Bisenius
RAPTOR NATION: We will be closed on Tuesday, January 9. Stay safe!
about 1 year ago, Adam Bisenius
Snow Day
RAPTOR NATION: There will be a 2-hour late start on Tuesday, January 9th. No before school activities or morning preschool.
about 1 year ago, Adam Bisenius
Late Start
With the early dismissal, there will be no afternoon preschool. Stay safe Raptor Nation!
about 1 year ago, Adam Bisenius
RAPTOR NATION: Due to the incoming storm, we will be dismissing 2.5 hours early today. Please move the dismissal bus and pick up times up 2.5 hours since they are staggered between buildings. No afterschool activities. The public hearing and board meeting tonight is still on as scheduled at this time.
about 1 year ago, Adam Bisenius
Early out
RAPTOR NATION: There will be NO before school activities tomorrow, Monday, January 8th.
about 1 year ago, Adam Bisenius